About Confirmation at Seton
Confirmation seals our life of faith in Jesus. Its signs are the laying on of hands on a person's head, most often by a bishop, and the anointing with oil. Like Baptism, Confirmation is received only once.
Preparation for Confirmation at Seton is dependent on the age of the person seeking to be confirmed.
Youth (Grades 11-12)
Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation Preparation is available for teens in 11th and 12th grade. Preparation begins in September and ends in April.
While preparing for Confirmation, candidates will strengthen their relationship with Jesus, deepen their prayer life, expand their understanding of the Catholic faith, enjoy fellowship with each other and the wider Seton community, and seek out their God-given purpose. Youth will also experience a Confirmation retreat and other faith formation activities such as service projects, social gatherings, and at-home activities.
Session Details
What: Confirmation Preparation
Who: 11th and 12th graders
When: Sundays from 6:00 to 7:30pm, September through April
How Often: Two to three times per month
Where: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Confirmation retreat date: Saturday, February 1, 2025, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm
Confirmation Mass celebration date: March 2, 2025 at 2:00pm
Getting Started and Important Dates
Step 1: Download the Confirmation Guide for 2025
The 2025 Confirmation Guide is your comprehensive resource for getting started. It provides clear instructions, helpful tips, and detailed guidance on the next steps to ensure you're on the right track. Click the button below to download your copy and begin your journey with confidence!
Sponsor Sessions
Everyone must complete two Sponsor Sessions before confirmation day. We will post the Sponsor Sessions on our website by January 1st. The sessions will consist of reading, discussion, and sometimes a short video. Choose two of the sessions to complete with your sponsor. They will take between 30 minutes and 1 hour to complete. You choose the time and location you do these sessions with your sponsor, but we ask that you meet two different times and not do them both in one meeting.
Sacramental Preparation
If you are an adult who has been baptized and raised in the Catholic Church but has not yet been Confirmed, you are invited to join us to prepare to receive the Sacrament. Once each year, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton facilitates an approximately ten-session preparation process, leading to celebration of the Sacrament at our Easter Vigil.
If you have never been baptized, were baptized in another Christian church and now wish to come into full communion with the Catholic Church, or were baptized in the Catholic Church but were not raised in the faith and are seeking to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, please contact Sue Switalski.