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Baptismal Preparation

Disciple Formation

The Sacrament of Baptism is the basis of the entire Christian life, the initiation into life in the Holy Spirit, and our foundation in a life with Christ - which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism, we become members of the Catholic Church and enter into the Sacramental life and mission of the Church. Baptism is not a moment; it is the beginning of a journey of life as a disciple of Christ Jesus.

When we celebrate a Baptism at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we rejoice in the gift of grace that is given to the newly baptized through this sacrament of rebirth. Our Catholic community promises to support and encourage you in the practice of our faith with a bond of unity.

Baptism Sacramental prep serves all parents / guardians of children less than 6 years old who are preparing to receive this sacrament of initiation.


Volunteer Opportunities

This ministry is facilitated by the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish staff. Please pray for all newly baptized members of our Faith community as a way of support and encouragement.

For more information contact Sue Switalski, Pastoral Minister, (262) 782-8982 or send us a message.


Follow Jesus - Serve Others

Cultivating discipleship in the life of the Catholic Church is our call as a Christian community. We are able to "Follow Jesus" as we enter into the sacramental life of our faith. As we live out our Baptismal call, we then "Serve Others" with the gifts bestowed upon us through the waters of Baptism.

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