Holiday Meal Boxes
Human Concerns
The Mission of this Ministry is to organize an annual food drive for the purpose of collecting and packaging specified holiday food items for families experiencing food insufficiency. The completed Holiday Meal Boxes are submitted to the House of Peace in support of their initiative to feed up to 2,000 families in need of Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. The House of Peace supplements each of these Holiday Meal Boxes with a ham or a turkey.
We Share - Holiday Meal Boxes 2024

Download the Holiday Meal Box Flier and shopping list here:
Donations are sought to complete Holiday Meal Boxes. The House of Peace includes a ham or turkey with each box, prepared to feed a family of five. Your monetary donation will fill a box with items to complete a meal, such as mashed potatoes, stuffing, cake & cornbread mix, canned vegetables, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, boxes of macaroni & cheese and pudding/Jell-O. Last year, your generous donations filled over 600 Holiday Meal Boxes!! Let's see if we can top that this year.
A $40 donation will fill one Holiday Meal Box with 1 box mashed potatoes, 1 bag stuffing, 1 cake mix, 1 frosting, 2 boxes cornbread mix, 4 cans corn, 2 cranberry sauce, 4 green beans, 1 sweet potatoes, 2 boxes macaroni & cheese, 2 puddings, 1 gravy. Donate today!
We'll do the shopping for you. Make your online donation here.
We are asking for families/individuals to sign up in advance to volunteer for 1) the moving of the donated food items from the sanctuary (church) to Sippel Hall on Sunday, November 10 and/or 2) the sorting and packing events on Monday, November 11, Tuesday, November 12, Wednesday, November 13, and Thursday, November 14. Please note: volunteers MUST be signed up in order to participate. NOTE: All shifts are 1 hour. You are welcome to sign up for two consecutive shifts. Sign up today!
SignUpGenius link: Volunteer to sort and pack food into boxes
Volunteer Time Commitment
Time: One 2-3 hour commitment annually in the fall
Contact: Rita McGann, 262-844-2408, or send us a message
Volunteer Opportunities
Drivers to pick up and deliver canned and boxed food items from local grocery stores to our parish
Families and individuals willing to sort and organize items into boxes
Follow Jesus - Serve Others
This Ministry is founded on the principles of compassionate service to those in need in our extended community.
Reflection on this Ministry
The act of sorting and packaging food boxes is especially suited to active engagement by all members of the family including young children. All participants gain a great sense of fulfillment in contributing to a worthy cause.