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Spiritual Life and Worship

The role of the lector at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish is to spread the word of God through proclaiming Holy Scripture at each Mass and special liturgy. Lector proclamations are the vocalization and projection of God’s messages from each scripture passage such that they will be received and prayerfully considered by the faith community. Lectors strive to understand and internalize the scripture readings, to increase their ability to convey God’s intended message to their fellow parishioners.


Volunteer Time Commitment

Meetings: Lectors usually meet as a group, twice per year – prior to Lent and in the fall prior to Advent.

Contact: Bob Ziegler, 262-784-2422, or send us a message


Volunteer Opportunities

Acolyte and Lector Schedule:



We provide a variety of resources to assist our lectors – workbooks, links to lector websites, discussion sessions. We have the ability to videotape lector proclamations and view existing videos of Masses. Seton’s lectors work closely with each other, our pastor and our director of liturgy.

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